In order to make great pizzas, you need to start with the best quality, most perfectly rolled dough – which is why we’ve just imported two new dough dough rollers straight from Lebanon.
 You can’t make the best pizzas without the best dough rollers, and Manoosh has now got new dough rollers in each of our stores!
In order to keep up with ever growing demand, Manoosh has recently imported new dough rollers from Lebanon and also re-modified one to fit in the Marrickville store. These dough rollers are designed for high quality and high volume pizzerias. With the standard dough rollers, the motor is about a quarter of the size of the ones we bring from Lebanon. The dough roller at the Enmore store lasted 8 years before upgrading it these brand new, state-of-the-art rollers (exactly the same in both stores).
The old faithful roller has now gone back to Charlie’s parents house so his father can recondition it for us to use as a backup. Having backup rollers is essential, as Charlie knows all too well:
“You always have to have a couple back ups of your main machines. I remember once our dough roller broke down, so we brought in a back up, which also broke down 20 minutes later!  Just another day in the pizza business…”
If all this talk of perfectly rolled dough is making you hungry, why not try the results of these super rollers for yourself –  drop by Manoosh or order online for the best pizza in Sydney and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.