Blog Pizza

The Fascinating Maths Behind Why We Fold Our Pizzas

We’re all for diversity here at Manoosh. You’ll find something on our menu no matter what you like to eat, from classic pizzas to those with a Lebanese twist, traditional Lebanese food, heaps of vegan and vegetarian options, salads and desserts. However, there is one thing that we can count on all of our customers doing: folding their pizza.

Folding is a classic technique that stops your pizza from going everywhere, and it makes it easier to tuck into with some urgency (we all know that feeling). But did you know that, mathematically, it is the best way to eat pizza?

cheap pizza sydney

Find out how a genius theory from 19th century German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss explains why folding your pizzas slices is the best way to eat them.

How so? This video from Numberphile explains it all. It’s based on a theory by 19th century German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss called the ‘Remarkable Theorem’ and why we endeavour to achieve “zero Gaussian curvature” when eating our pizzas.

Ready to test the ‘Remarkable Theorum’ yourself? Why don’t you drop by Manoosh or order from us online for some of the the best pizza in Sydney. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


Check Out All The Action From Spotify’s 5th Birthday Party

Last week the folks over at Spotify threw an absolutely massive party at the Enmore Theatre to celebrate their 5th birthday. And we were thrilled to be there, keeping the whole party fed with Manoosh pizza all night.

Spotify 5th birthday

Last week Spotify celebrated their 5th birthday in style and we were there supplying the whole party with pizza. Check out some of the action below!

Spotify know how to celebrate in style, with performances from Peking Duk and Vera Blue, and DJ sets from Nina Las Vegas and Mami Flex keeping the party entertained. The whole night was a huge success and we were stoked bring the pizza to the party.

You can look back on all the Spotify birthday celebrations by checking out the hashtag #spotifyturns5.

Happy birthday Spotify!

Have a look at some of the action from the night below. See more here. And why not check out the pizza playlist we put together for the party.

Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday
Spotify 5th birthday

If you’re throwing a party any time soon want the Ooshman to take care of the food, simply drop by Manoosh or order online, and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.

Blog Pizza

An Ode to Olives: The Greatest Gift to Mankind

Olives are an ancient delicacy like no other. Whether eaten alone whole, or sliced and scattered on a pizza, the tiny fruit is a cornerstone in many food cultures around the world, particularly in the Middle East and Mediterranean.

It is widely accepted that the olive was first cultivated in the Levant region of the Middle East – which today encompasses Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. But the olive is perhaps best known as a classic Italian pizza topping.

We are always fascinated by this crossover of Italian and Lebanese food cultures, so we thought we’d take a closer that at the noble olive in history, mythology and on the modern table.

pizza in wolli creek

Olives are an ancient delicacy like no other. Here we take a closer that at the noble little fruit in history, mythology and on the modern table.

The History of Olives Around The World – “The Greatest Gift To Mankind”

The Olea Europaea  – ‘European Olive’ – is one of the oldest known trees to have been cultivated  by humans, with traces of domestication dating some 7,000 years ago in the Mediterranean regions of Crete and Levant.

Evidence suggests that olives were grown commercially in Crete as far back as 3000 BC, and many believe they may have been a source of the wealth of the Minoan civilisation who thrived in the Aegean islands from about 2600 to 1100 BC.

The Egyptians were also fond of olives, and evidence of the fruit has been found in ancient tombs dating back to 2000 B.C. But it was the Greeks who are often credited with perfecting the cultivation of the Olea Europaea, and processes for extracting the oil.

To the Greeks, the olive tree was the “greatest gift to mankind”. The expansion of the Roman Empire saw olives spread throughout Europe soon after. In Italy today the olive tree has reached divine status – a symbol of peace and humility.

Of course, olives are laced throughout Lebanese food history too. Lebanon’s temperate summers and mild winters proved to be the perfect conditions for olive trees to flourish and they soon became a distinctive part of the landscape. Today, some of the oldest olive trees in the world can be found in the northern Lebanese villages of Bshaale and Amioun – some are more than 1,500 years old!

Olives are not native to the Americas, rather they were brought there by Spanish colonists in the 16th century. Cultivation thrived in what is modern day Peru and Chile, and along the valleys of South America’s dry Pacific coast where the climate is quite similar to the Mediterranean. From here the olive made its way to Southern California, brought there by Spanish missionaries in the late 18th century.

In Australia, olive farming dates back to the early 19th century. Many believe that the first groves to be planted were in Parramatta in 1805. By the mid 1800, every state in Australia was farming olives.

Today, a vast majority of the world’s olive trees still reside in the Mediterranean with Spain, Italy and Greece being the biggest producers by a long shot, though North and South America, and Australia all contribute their fair share to the global yield.

In 2005, it was estimated that some 865 million olive trees existed in the world.


Olives In Art, Literature, Symbolism & Mythology

Olives are laced throughout art, literature, mythology and symbolism and have been since ancient times.

• Athens itself is named for the Goddess Athena who brought the olive to the Greeks as a gift, which was deemed more precious and powerful than Poseidon’s horse.

• The Greeks would also award the winners at the Olympic Games olive leaf crowns and olive oil.

• The olive branch has come to symbolise peace, longevity, fertility, maturity, wealth and prosperity.

• Impressionists such as Renoir, Monet, Matisse, Cezanne and Van Gogh were especially enamoured of the olive tree. It features in many great works of art, such as Van Gough’s ‘Olive Tree’ series and Matisse’s ‘Promenade among the Olive Trees’

• References to olives can be found in works by Shakespeare, Milton, Byron and Bates.

• References to the tree and its fruit are also peppered throughout the Bible, where it pops up some 42 times.

• Some of the most renowned poets of the twentieth century have devoted precious verses to olives, including Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca, Miguel Hernández  and Pablo Neruda.


Olive in Lebanese Cuisine

Olives or olive oil is a central element in many Lebanese dishes.

Man’oushe – Combine zesty za’atar with a drizzled of olive oil and put it in a blistering oven and you’ve got yourself traditional manoosh!

Hommus – The four key ingredients in hommus are chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic and tahini, but it’s olive oil that brings everything together.

Labneh – Olive oil is an excellent preservative and we wouldn’t be able to enjoy labneh like we do without being able to store it in a jar of it.

Tahini Tahini is made from grinding the seeds together with olive oil to make a paste.

Falafel – You would not be able eat golden, crispy falafels without a generous amount of olive oil for deep frying.

Mezze – When enjoying mezze in Lebanon it is common to be treated to a selection of fresh olives that have been grown by your host, or at least by a friend, neighbour or cousin.

Pizza – Who could forget olives on pizza! From the classic Italian pizza capricciosa to our Manoosh Special, olives provide a tangy, salty kick to just about any variation.

No matter how you like to eat olives there’s no denying the ancient fruit is unlike any other food. If you’re in the mood for a pizza topped with delicious, juicy olives stop by Manoosh or order online. You won’t be disappointed.

Pizza Blog

The Ultimate Spotify Playlist of Pizza Tunes

In case you didn’t hear, Spotify were celebrating their 5th birthday at the Enmore Theatre, and we provided the whole party with delicious Manoosh pizzas all night!

To get everyone pumped for the event we put together an epic Spotify playlist of pizza-related tunes. Check it out below.

Manoosh spotify playlist

Spotify are celebrated their 5th birthday and we provided the party with pizzas all night! To get everyone in the mood, we put together this epic playlist of pizza-related tunes.

Everyone in the world loves pizza, so it’s not surprising there are tonnes of killer pizza-related tunes out there.

From local favourites like Big Scary and Touch Sensitive, to legendary crooners like Tom Waits and Dean Martin, there’s something for everyone in our playlist.

Have a listen below.

Be sure to keep up to date with all the Spotify birthday celebrations by following the hashtag #spotifyturns5.

(EDIT: Check out all the action from the party HERE!)

If you’re throwing a party any time soon want the Ooshman to take care of the food, simply drop by Manoosh or order online, and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.

Blog Pizza

Want more FREE Pizza? OK here we go…

The Ooshman’s generosity seems to know no bounds as he continues make it rain pizza every month! From guessing the perfect pizza time to showing us where you eat yours (comp still open!), he’s now giving away another 5 pizzas to one luck Manoosher. Check out the video below:


All you have to do is be the first person to guess the exact number of sesame seeds on this Zaatar slice. Check out the video on Facebook and leave your answer in the comments!

Happy counting!

Blog Lebanese Food

The Flavours of Lebanon: Key Ingredients In Lebanese Cuisine

Lebanese cuisine has been around for thousands of years and yet, amazingly, little has changed since ancient times. Lebanese cooking still revolves around a core set of ingredients, with an emphasis on freshness and simplicity.

It is a cuisine that epitomises authenticity to, and when something is done right from the start, there’s a reason that it doesn’t need to change. From fresh bread to fragrant spices, here’s a look at some of the key ingredients in Lebanese cuisine.

cheap pizza

Lebanese cuisine epitomises fresh, authentic cooking done right. From bread to fragrant spices, here’s a look at some of the key ingredients in Lebanese food.


Chickpeas are the central ingredient in two of Lebanon’s flagship dishes: falafel and hommus. Both are legendary in their own right, but would not be possible without the humble legume at their core. Chickpeas boast a wide range of health benefits and have been a staple of diets in the Middle East since ancient times.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are yet another central element in Lebanese cooking. They are used in a number of ways. Perhaps most prominently sesame is used to make tahini, which is a paste made from seeds that have been lightly toasted and then ground with oil. Tahini is eaten as a standalone dip or as a sauce on Lebanese shawarma.

It is also a core ingredient in hommus, imparting a smooth, creamy texture and vibrant nutty flavour. Sesame is also used in many desert dishes. And you’ll find sesame seeds scattered upon Lebanese pastry dishes, both sweet and savoury.

tahini sauce


The Lebanese pickle just about anything – cucumbers, cauliflower, beans – but it’s the neon pink pickled turnip that is the most memorable, both on the eye and on the palette. Turnip pickles are usually steeped with beets, which imparts a lovely rosy-pink colour.

The firmness of the turnips means that the pickles stay crunchy and they tend to milder than traditional cucumber pickles in terms of vinegary-ness. You’ll find them on mezze plates, in wraps and on Lebanese pizzas. They’re also the perfect accompaniment for falafel.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has had a dramatic impact on Lebanese cuisine, and is a central element of almost every traditional dish in one way or another: Falafel, hommus, tahini, manoosh, labneh, tabbouleh, kibbeh, kafta – you name it!

Lebanese cuisine


Za’atar is a mix of thyme, roasted sesame seeds, sumac and salt. It is the flavour of Lebanon and can be used in a huge array of dishes. Add a drizzle of olive oil and a healthy sprinkling of za’atar to some pitta bread, throw it in the oven and you’ve got traditional manoosh.

The earthy flavours of za’atar are the perfect complement to almost any kind of meat too. You can also add a pinch or two of za’atar to any vege-based soup to highlight all of those natural flavours. Or sprinkle it on your favourite dip, salad , cheese or vegetables for a simple Lebanese twist.


Sumac is a zesty spice that is often used to season meat and vegetables; however, it is also sprinkled over salads, like tabbouleh and fattoush, as well as added to dips such as hommus and labne. It is also one of the core spices used to make za’tar and sujuk.



In Lebanon, fresh baked bread is eaten with every meal of the day. It provides the perfect basis to enjoy many dips, such as hommus and baba ghannouj. Bread is also the ideal vessel for encasing falafels or marinated meats, or you can simply slather your pita with labne for a fast and healthy breakfast.

Drop by Manoosh for some of Sydney’s most delicious and authentic Lebanese food. Simply drop by or order from us online, because you haven’t lived until you have tasted traditional Lebanese cuisine.


Manoosh And Spotify Are Teaming Up For The Spotify 5th Birthday Party!

The legends over at Spotify are gearing up to celebrate their 5th birthday at the Enmore Theatre this month, and we are thrilled to announce we’ll be providing the whole party with delicious Manoosh pizzas all night!

manoosh spotify

Spotify are celebrating their 5th birthday this May and we will be supplying the entire party with delicious Manoosh pizzas all night!

Taking over the Enmore Theatre on Thursday the 25th of May, Spotify’s 5th Birthday Party is shaping to be one for the ages.

If anyone knows music, it’s Spotify, so were expecting big party vibes with the who’s who of Sydney’s music scene on the night. But a massive birthday bash isn’t complete without delicious eats. That’s where the Ooshman comes in!

Be sure to keep up to date with all the Spotify birthday celebrations by following the hashtag #spotifyturns5.

If you’re throwing a party any time soon want the Ooshman to take care of the food, simply drop by Manoosh or order online, and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.

Blog Lebanese Food Pizza

Vegan’s Rejoice! Daiya Vegan Cheese & Vegan Pepperoni Have Returned

Fear not, the Daiya vegan cheese draught is over. The Ooshman has personally intervened to solve the shipping crisis and we now have a huge shipment of vegan cheese and pepperoni ready for your joyful consumption.

The dark times are over – Daiya vegan cheese and our vegan pepperoni have returned!

If all this talk of readily available meat free pepperoni and delicious dairy free cheese is making your tongue twist in delight, then drop by Manoosh or order online, and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.

Lebanese Food Pizza Blog

Midweek Manoosh Lunch? New Earlier Store Opening Hours!

The people have spoken and the Ooshman has listened. The Enmore store now has earlier midweek opening hours. Thanks to the Ooshman, midweek lunches are about to get a whole lot tastier. Re-adjust your Manooshometer – From Wednesday 10th May we’re open from 11am until late, Every Wednesday to Sunday! See our updated opening hours below:

Newsletter Feature Image

This is not a drill. Repeat, not a drill. You can now get Manoosh for lunch midweek!


Mon: 5pm – 11pm
Tue: 5pm – 11pm
Wed: 11am -11pm
Thur: 11am -11pm
Fri: 11am – 12am
Sat: 11am – 12am
Sun: 11am – 12am

If all this talk of midweek Manoosh is causing your stomach to do relentless backflips of joy, then drop by Manoosh or order online, and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay in the loop.

Blog Pizza

17 GIFs of Cheesy Pizza That Will Get You Drooling

Nothing is quite as satisfying as tucking into a piping hot pizza, picking up a slice and watching the gooey cheese just melt away. It’s mesmerising. In tribute to cheesy pizza, we’ve hunted around the internet for the gooiest GIFs that will undoubtably get your stomach rumbling. Don’t worry, Manoosh can sort you out, just drop by or order from us online to satisfy all your cheese cravings.

cheesy pizza

Nothing is as satisfying as tucking into a piping pizza & watching the gooey cheese melt away. Here are 17 GIFs of cheesy pizza that will get you drooling.


















Is everyone ok? If all this cheesy goodness is making you hungry drop by Manoosh or order from us online for some of the the best pizza in Sydney. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.